
Registered Clinical Counselling Services

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Holistic Approach

What is “holistic?”

The word holistic is often used in discussing a person’s health or treatment, but many people are still uncertain exactly what it means.  The word holistic comes from the Greek word holos, meaning “entire” or “all.”  Rather than some far-out or weird definition, holistic treatment simply means treating the entire person.

Although each human being is unique and an individual, we share certain aspects of our humanity.  For example, each of us is a physical being.  We eat food, we breathe air.  Although the foods we eat may differ – as well as the quality of the air we breathe – we each share that trait.  Each of us is also an emotional being.  We experience happiness, sadness, joy, laughter, and disappointment.  Again, those experiences vary in quantity and intensity from person to person, but they still exist.

A holistic approach to health simply means that a person works to maintain a good working balance between mind, body and soul.  Although each of us at one time or another suffers from an imbalance that affects us, nature’s way is to seek balance in a quick and appropriate way.  Holistic treatment is designed to help achieve that balance.

Is holistic treatment effective?

Over the last several decades, hundreds of studies have proven the effectiveness of the various parts of holistic treatment.  Because of their effectiveness, attending to the total needs of clients has become standard practice among addiction treatment professionals.